Just when the Government was starting to get it’s buzz on from a new source of funding that apparently slips under the radar somewhat (modern monetary theory), the Treasury wants them to order another keg.

My special guest today is Jenée Tibshraeny – Jenee is financial journalist for interest.co.nz and is an acclaimed reporter who covers the interaction between government and economics. I have her on the show today because I have some questions about how the treasury works – the previous time I had Jenee on the show was episode 129 – If you want to learn a bit more about the role the reserve bank plays in NZ – check it out.

For those interested in the Treasury speech referenced in this episode, at the point in time where it starts to get interesting, you can check it out here.

This podcast was recorded on  09/07/21

Update from 14/07/21: https://www.rbnz.govt.nz/news/2021/07/monetary-stimulus-reduced

Perhaps happy hour is soon coming to an end ?!