
Originally from the USA, Rebeca is an amazing Mum of three, who whilst living in France has investigated and written about French school food. Because of these articles on her children’s local school cafeteria (which is local products – some organic prepared daily by three cooks and served in four courses: entrée, main dish, cheese, dessert); the French national news and national paper featured her on tv in France.

All of this has brought her to her current project which is a second book around the very topic of French kids and food. She has several interviews lined up with interesting government ministers, Michelin chefs, local city councils, paediatricians, nutritionists and more. She believes it is really necessary to add more fuel to the fire to change the disastrous eating habits and school lunches on offer in other parts of the world.

Her first book, self published on amazon, is about eating/moving/family habits of the French and has sold numerous books daily for almost a year. 

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